Healthier and Happier

2024-01-175 min read


Hello Readers, hope you are doing great! We typically come up with small steps or tips that can do wonders when introduced into our lives. There will be no end to these steps until you are keen on living a better life! 

How do we remember all these tips? 

You are not going to read the same blog daily! You won’t be able to memorize, absorb, and practice all the suggestions in one read. Then what should you do? ‘Pin-ups’ are the answer. Use a small wall area of your room and pin these points. These will eventually become a seamless part of your lifestyle.  

We talked about the α (alpha) tips the other day. Let’s spend today figuring out the β (beta) tips. β doesn’t mean adding a ‘secondary’ tag to these pointers, but something to suggest that these would require more perseverance and endurance from our end.  

With no intention of overloading the blog with information, I guess we can call these our ‘β tips to Restore Happiness.

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