Lower Back Pain: Causes & Possible Natural Pain Relievers

2024-08-014 mins


Aaah! Meri Kamar!!

Quite common, right? It has to be, as it is your lower back that supports your upper body and provides the flexibility for body movement – bending downwards, twisting, etc. The low back is also called the lumbar region, and when in pain, your body requires nothing but relief for back pain. 

Muscle injury or any other injury to discs, ligaments, or joints results in the most severe form of pain in the lower back. It is basically a pain in the area that starts below the ribcage, and hence we look for the aptest medicine for lower back pain. At times, such injuries result in inflammation, which in turn is more painful, thus hampering the relief for back pain. 

What are the Symptoms & Appropriate Back Pain Relief Tablet?

It is important to understand the symptoms so that we can opt for the best relief for back pain. 

  • A dull pain contained in the lower back 

  • Pain as acute as a stabbing sensation in the lower back 

  • Difficulty while sitting, standing up straight, bending, or walking 

  • Unable to sit or stand for long 

  • Muscle strain resulting from exercising or heavy lifting 

  • Muscular spasms 

  • Tightness in pelvis, hips, and lower back 

  • A feeling of numbness or tingling 

  • Numbness or weakness on one side of the body (radicular pain)

  • Pain starts from the lower back and goes up to the buttocks, legs, and feet

  • Pain gets better with changing positions 

  • Pain worsens immediately after you wake up, however, tends to get better after some bodily movements 

If lower back pain continues in the same intensity for more than 72 hours, then consult a doctor for a back pain relief tablet. For daily routine pains, it is good to include a lifestyle product that provides enduring relief. 

Causes for Back Pain 

Before going for any treatment or medicine for lower back pain, it would be good if we understood the underlying cause(s). 

  • Type of job – the ones involving bending, pulling, heavy lifting, or constant sitting can lead to lower back pain.

  • Type of weight you carry – heavy bags, purses on shoulders, etc., can put pressure on your lower back. 

  • Type of exercise you do – overexercising or overdoing gym can be harmful. 

  • Type of physical activity – over-stretching, heavy lifting, poor postures, sudden movements, etc., can cause pain in the lower back. 

  • Type of health – though in rare cases, you can suffer from back problems if you are facing any type of infection, autoimmune diseases, spinal tumors, etc. 

  • Type of disk – is it normal or herniated? Injury or aging can weaken the disk resulting in a herniated disk, which in turn can lead to severe pain. 

  • Type of body – aged and/or overweight people are likely to suffer more from this problem. 

Irrespective of the cause, we recommend you to look for an effective and safe back pain relief tablet that would provide instant and lasting relief. 

Best Natural Medicine for Lower Back Pain 

It is best to go for natural back pain relief tablets or medicines for long-lasting and effective treatment without worrying about any associated complications. 

Reset medicine for lower back pain includes variants in the form of gels, emulsions, sprays, and tablets that help reduce the pain & inflammation. Along with proper medication, maintaining appropriate procedures can help in the long run. For instance, while standing, ensure that you stand straight and don’t slouch. Even exercising (not over-exercising) daily helps a great deal in keeping the body active and the lower back well-shaped & fit. This comes in handy specifically if you have a sitting job – taking a short walk between work is a simple yet effective way to keep your body fit. Other home remedies include the use of a hot water bottle/heating pad and taking a warm water bath. Lying down with your back straight is a recommended sleeping procedure, especially if you face recurrent back pain problems. It ensures the perfect alignment of your head, neck, and spine. Another interesting fact is that if you happen to suffer from a muscle strain, doctors advise work & getting back to routine more than rest. So, it’s always better to keep it natural and understand your pain through a simple diagnostic test. 

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