Pain relief

Women's Healthcare – Reduce Pregnancy-Induced Back Pain Naturally

2024-01-2910 min read


Studies have shown that during the pregnancy process, 85% of women experience lower back pain, something that is often a result of an unaccustomed surface, and prolonged weight on one side more than the other. Pregnancy is a very sensitive phase of life, both emotionally and physically. It becomes of utmost importance to take care of oneself during such a phase. 

Understand how you can alleviate these pains (other than simply using some medicine or pain relief spray for instant relief) in your life over time!

Why do mothers experience Pregnancy-Induced Back Pain?

Many factors can lead to pregnancy-induced back pain. Unfortunately, the underlying causes are often difficult to determine, and treatment is often unsuccessful. However, there are a few easy ways to reduce your risk of back pain during pregnancy. Let’s see a few tips that can help lower pregnancy-induced back pain naturally:

What causes lower back pain during pregnancy?

Lower back pain during pregnancy is common and can be caused by a variety of factors, including your growing baby, sciatica, and pregnancy-induced back pain.

You may rely on the above-mentioned natural remedies and an effective medicine for lower back pain to help with such pains. 

What are the symptoms of Pregnancy-Induced back pain?

There are many possible symptoms of pregnancy-induced back pain, but some of the more common ones include:

If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, be sure to talk to your doctor about whether your back pain is actually a result of pregnancy. 

How can women reduce the risk of such symptoms?

How many of us just simply open the medical box, take out a pain relief spray, and apply it for any and every kind of body pain? I guess, most of us do that!

However, if you are to reduce the likeliness pregnancy-induced back pain, it is important to understand the causes. Pregnant women should be cautious of these causes and how they can reduce their risk.

Pregnancy-induced arthritis (PIA) is an inflammation of the joints that can occur during the later stages of pregnancy. About half of all women with PIA develop chronic pain arthritis, which lasts for more than three months. Symptoms can include pain, stiffness, and swelling in the joints around the spine. Most cases of PIA get better after delivery, although some women continue to experience pain for months or years afterward.

To minimize your chances of developing PIA, be sure to receive routine prenatal care from your healthcare provider. This includes screenings for high blood pressure and other rheumatic disorders, screening for lupus and other connective tissue diseases, and a detailed assessment of symptom frequencies and severity. 


You can also reduce your risk by taking active steps to prevent arthritis before you become pregnant: maintaining a healthy weight, getting regular exercise, and avoiding substances that may increase your risk of arthritis or inflammation. You may also use a pain relief spray, gel, or medicine regularly, but only after confirming its usage from a safety perspective. Not all medicines are safe to be used frequently, as they might carry side effects.

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